SWAMI RAMANANDA JI MAHA MANTRA Swami Ramanand Ji is the best Manopravesh astrologer in India. Swami Ji helped many people with his accurate predictions and perfect remedies. Swami Ji's predictions are like "Rambaan" as they never go wrong. One has to self-experience to know the power. Swami Ji here provides Maha Mantra for the devotees to write it carefully and achieve good results in life. Instructions to write: 1. Write Mahamantra here in the Comments. 2. Also chant with your inner voice. 3. Try to write regularly. NOTE: These mantras will be visible only for one day. Please write every day as a part of your Prayer. ********************Start with OMMantra Chanting 3 times******************** OM MAHADEVAYAH NAMAHA OM TRIPURANTAKAYAH NAMAHA OM TRIKAGNIKALAYAH NAMAHA OM KALAGNIRUDRAYAH NAMAHA OM NEELAKANTAYAH NAMAHA OM MRUTYUNJAYAYAH NAMAHA OM SARVESWARAYAH NAMAHA OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI OM NAMAH SIVAYA
Greatest of great! O My Deva, Bless me